WARNING: The following is all about our very boring week.
Sunday, July 4: Went to church as a family, no offense but a lot of long testimonies during Sacrament meeting. After church we had about 26 people over for dinner and fireworks. We had Adam's family, Todd and Kari, 2 families from the ward and then both of our neighbors. With the amount of food we had, we could of fed about 26 more people. But we have enjoyed the leftovers for lunch this past week.
Monday, July 5: Adam had the day off and he had insisted on doing NOTHING all day. It kinda worked but I think he did more then he had hoped. It rained most of the day so we did stay in all day except for a late afternoon walk around the neighborhood when the rain had finally stopped.
Tuesday, July 6: The boys and I went for our weekly groceries, my baby dr appointment (which included a funny conversation with the boys of why they will never be patients of Dr Gros. Had to just break the bad news that he was done with them once they were out of me.) Quick trip to Target followed before we hurried home to meet Adam for lunch. Damon had another baseball practice so Xavier, Aiden and I stayed home and watched a movie while they were gone.
When we stopped at Dillions a wasp flew into our car while I was getting Aiden out of his car seat. Xavier SCREAMS the loudest scream I've ever heard, horror films should hire him. He then tells me there is a wasp in the car so I get Aiden out and have them stand to the back of the car while I look for the wasp. I then see it laying on a seat like it is dead. It slowly starts to move so I take a magazine and brush it out of the car and it flies off. Honestly, I think Xavier's scream stunned it. It really was that loud.
Wednesday, July 7: Adam took the van to get the oil changed so we walked to the school park that morning to play for a bit. I had another meeting with Infant and Child Services to get Aiden some assistance with speech. No offense but so far its just proving to be a big waste of time but I once they actually start working with him it will be good. Just a lot of paperwork that seems pointless. Damon had a Cub Scout activity at church, thankfully they let Xavier participate too so we just had to entertain Aiden for an hour.
Thursday, July 8: Aiden woke up with a fever and was miserable all day. He slept most of the day which was good and would drink apple juice. I think he ate half a piece of bread and that was it. Unfortunately, both boys had baseball games. Adam of course went with Xavier since he's the coach and Aiden and I went to Damon's. I put Aiden in the stroller and he at one point fell asleep at the game. This kid never falls asleep anywhere but his bed, forget the fact that we were at a very loud baseball game. Damon didn't bat too well but he had a couple awesome outs which I think made up for the one hit. Jim came along to watch, it was nice to have someone to talk too!
Friday, July 9: Everyone's favorite day, Cleaning Day! We were able to get the whole house cleaned (minus the bathrooms because that's Adam's job!). Aiden didn't have a fever anymore but was pretty whiny all day. Adam brought home DQ and ice cream which makes everyone's day brighter, right?
Saturday, July 10: We made a quick trip up to KC for the day to spend time with the Furnells and Johnsons. We had a lot of fun at a waterpark, then went to the Johnsons for dinner. It's been 2 years since we had gotten together and sadly we made the effort since the Furnells are moving to Michigan very very soon. But we had a great time and love getting together with everyone.
I realized Friday that we have 6 weeks exactly until new baby boy is born. Damon is very excited for the meals that will be brought by the Relief Society. I don't know if that says something about my cooking or just the fact that the meals will most likely have meat which makes him the most happy. I'm looking forward to being able to breath, bend, and roll over again.
4 days ago
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