We were able to attend the Cultural Celebration in Kansas City on Saturday. It was a special event held in honor of the Kansas City Temple Dedication that took place on Sunday. President Monson was in attendance so I snapped a couple of blurry pics of him.
All of the youth in the temple district performed several dance combinations. I think there was about 3200 participating.
These next pictures are of our youth and 2 other stakes.
As we were leaving we noticed all the security guys swarming around. So we realized this must be the exit plan for President Monson. We decided to stay around to see him, expecting him to just walk from the building to the car. Had I known that he would pick our little spot to stop at I would have got my nice camera out of the bag but I was scared I was going to miss him by going and getting it.
Anyway, he walked over to the group we were in and talked to the kids, wiggled his ears and pointed out the different country flags that were on his tie. There was a boy who could also wiggle his ears so Pres Monson pulled him beside him and had someone take their picture together.
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