Friday, September 24, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Master Bedroom

This Friday it is Master Bedrooms. Ours is currently a work in process. We painted it a couple months ago and then I finally found bedding I like and I'm currently working on the curtains. We have one wall with nothing on it that I need to figure out what to do with. So close to being done, I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the month, we'll see!

This is the room when you first walk in. I'm working on the valance. Only part of it is finished. The other half will be up tomorrow (fingers crossed!). This is Adam's nightstand along with his church binders in the basket and his church bag.
This is the bed with our new quilt on it. I love the colors. I'm planning on painting the master bath the aqua color that is in the quilt.
Our dresser, you can see some of Adam's marathon medals hanging on the mirror. I really need a jewelry box. I'm hoping to get one on Black Friday, they are usually on sale then. To the left is a baby picture of my mom that I drew in high school. And our dirty laundry on the floor. I have a plan for it, it just hasn't happened yet.
This is the wall across from our bed. The door on the left is our walk in closet and the door to the right is our bathroom. The pictures are from our wedding day and the temple that we were married in. It also has my hope chest my dad bought me, Adam's running stuff, and my awesome diaper bag that I love.
My favorite part of our room is the closet because it has a place for all my shoes!
And these are the greatest invention ever! I bought these at the Container Store, I'm so happy I did. My boots are out of the way and stay in good shape all at the same time. PERFECT!

Next week is dining room...ours is sad just like the living room. I'll work on getting something hung up in there this next week so it looks a little better!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Grayson - 1 month

One month old already, it sure has gone by fast! Grayson was actually one month on Monday (the day I took the above picture) but today was his Dr's appointment so I wanted to post his stats. Our little guy has gained quite a bit of weight since he can now keep food down. He is 9lb 2oz and 22 inches long. He has only grown 1/2 inch since his one week appointment but has gained 1.6 pounds in 10 days. I keep telling him to grow to fit into his cute 0-3 months clothes. I'm sick of the newborn outfits!

He is more and more alert everyday. It is surprising how they go from sleeping all day to all of a sudden wide awake and looking around. He has baby acne really bad all over his cute little face. Yes, I airbrushed it out, feel free to judge me!

Here's he is in his super cute shark pjs...please look at the cute shark feet!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hard Day?

Grayson's surgery

Here's a pic of Grayson's little incision from his surgery. It is healing very well. He has a follow up appointment with his surgeon on Monday.

And I just think this picture is funny...with his little butt in the air.

Show Us Your Life - Living Room

One of my favorite blogs (Kelly's Korner) that I stalk hosts a "Show Us Where You Live" blog post every Friday. She did it last year and I didn't participate then but I decided to give it a try this year. Partly because I think it will be fun since half of the rooms in my house have NOTHING in them. For instance today's post is on Living Rooms. Here's ours...
SAD isn't it! The funny thing, the three things you see in this room have been in here for about a week. Although we have lived in our house for almost a year, I have done nothing to this room. The reason, I don't know what to do with it. So it just seemed like a waste of money to do something just to do something. So it stays empty. It is a nice place for the boys to run around in and it is super easy to clean! I just have to clean the windows and vacuum.

We have Grayson's swing in there so he can sit in it while we have dinner and such. The rocking chair is from Aiden's & Grayson's room. We moved it in here so we can have a place to sit for midnight ( and 2 am and 4 am and 6 am) feedings.

Since our living room is so boring I will leave you with some pretty flowers. I think they are the prettiest one's I've ever received. (Actually they are for Grayson but I don't think he fully appreciates them.)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today we got the bright idea to hike Konza this afternoon. I don't know what I was thinking. But once I made it over those first few hills I was good. However, I'm paying for it tonight. I will definitely be seeing the chiropractor next week.

Adam and 3 of his boys...
One of the many lizards we saw...
Damon and Xavier were always running up infront of us. This is the one time we had to wait for them...
Aiden getting a time we'll go when its not his nap time!
And the cute little passenger I got to carry...

Our Parking Garage

For some reason Aiden has been spending a lot of his time playing with his cars. Usually he has them all downstairs but the other day he had brought them up to the kitchen. He is pretty entertaining to watch because he will play with them for awhile and then he will start to "park" them. He will line them up against the wall or in this case the kitchen table and just make rows and rows of them. When he is playing with them outside he will even angle them just like a parking lot.

Pathway to ?

Last Saturday (while I was in the ER with Grayson) Adam made a path for our backyard. It was a little project I had been wanting done since we moved into our house. The boys always walk that way to school each morning so I wanted a path from our house to the trail behind our house so that it would (hopefully!) help prevent dirt and mud getting on their shoes and tracked into my house. We had bought everything for the path on Friday night so he was ready to get to work Saturday morning. It took most of the day but he was able to get it all done by himself and it turned out really well.

The next outdoor project...GRASS!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our Week at the Hospital

Thursday, September 2, Grayson started throwing up in the middle of the night. At first I thought he maybe had too much formula but he continued to throw up most of his bottles.

On Friday, I decided to call his Dr. I usually wouldn't call this early but knowing it was a holiday weekend I wanted to get his thoughts. He wanted us to start giving him Pedialyte and then reintroduce formula once he was keeping the Pedialtye down.

He ended up throwing up the Pedialyte the rest of Friday and into Saturday morning. So Adam and I decide to take him to the emergency clinic. Unfortunately, since he is an infant they wouldn't see him and insisted I go to the Emergency Room. So off we go to the hospital.

He and I were there for 4 hours for them to examine him, do x-rays, and an ultrasound. Unfortunately, they didn't find anything and suggested we change his formula assuming he is lactose intolerant. We did have a really nice ER doc who called later to check on us and even gave me his cell number so we could call if something came up.

Over the next day we give him soy formula (gross!) with no change. Sunday I realize he was looking skinny and was pretty sure he had lost some weight. Since he was still throwing up, Adam calls the on-call dr at our physician's office, talks over some options, and decides its best to take him to the hospital so they can monitor and see what he is doing. They weigh him and he had lost 9 oz since Tuesday. They also draw blood to do some tests.

Our poor guy on Sunday...

I stayed at the hospital with him and he continues to throw up everything all through the night. When they weigh him the next morning (Monday) he was down another 3 oz. They do a barium swallow test to see if they can find something wrong, mainly to see if there was some type of a blockage. From this test they didn't see much but what looked like his stomach was not contracting to move the food through the rest of his body. So it would sit in his stomach and eventually come back up. They decide to put him on some acid reflux medicine to see if that would help. This is when I start getting frustrated because I was positive he didn't have acid reflux.

Monday ends the same way, with him continuing to throw up. Because he hadn't had a dirty diaper in over 15 hours they decide to give him an iv. (Which honestly, watching them put in an iv in my poor dehydrated baby was the hardest thing about all of this. It took several sticks to get it started, one in each hand, his head, and then they finally got one in his right hand.) It was good though because he was beginning to look pretty bad. His skin was pretty grey in color and he was really lethargic. pretty bad shape...
Tuesday, we finally get to see our Dr and he agreed with me that it wasn't acid reflux but they were going to give him the medicine to see if it would help until they figure out the real cause. He really felt like Grayson had Pyloric Stenosis, which is what Adam and I also thought, but unfortunately every test said he didn't. Although every symptom he had pointed to it. Dr Kiracofe also wanted a pediatritian to look at him just to make sure he wasn't missing anything. Late in the afternoon the pediatritian shows up and does a quick exam and had nothing new to say. He even apologized for not being much help, in which I thanked him for admitting it! Love me!

Tuesday was really frustrating and I about lost my mind. It seemed like no one had answers and we just kept doing the same thing, giving him Pedialyte, watching him throw up, and me changing my clothes numerous times. I really wish they would have tried something new but I don't think they had any idea of what to do different.

Wednesday, Dr Kiracofe comes back to check on us and again says he really thinks its Pyloric Stenosis so he wanted him tested again for it. If nothing showed up on that test it was decided to transfer us to a different hospital, either to KC or Wichita. We waited all morning for the ultrasound, when they finally take him down and start the test it wasn't clear yet if anything had changed since Saturday's ultrasound. Luckly, they got the radiologist to come in and look at him and he was able to get better pictures. He spent a lot of time with him and wanted to make sure he was defintely seeing what looked to be Pyloric Stenosis. He admitted that he needed to make sure not only because the only treatment for it is surgery but also because he was going against what two of his colleagues had already said.

The results were reviewed by all parties needed and it was decided that Grayson definitely had it. Thankfully they were able to do the necessary surgery at 5:00 that evening and a big thank you to the surgery staff that stayed late to make that happen. The surgery took about an hour and everything went well. After he was out of surgery it didn't take too long for them to let me take him back to our room. He was pretty sleepy but was also starving (and who wouldn't be he hadn't ate anything in a week!).

So after the surgery he had to slowly be introduced to formula again. He got 1/2 an ounce of Pedialyte every hour for 4 times. After that he got a whole ounce, then he was able to move on to diluted formula and finally formula. So all through the night I got to feed him every hour then he would have to be held upright for 30 minutes after. Yes, it was a very long and tiring night.

But by Thursday morning he was obviously feeling better. He had put on 8 oz since Monday morning and was much more alert. Dr Kiracofe came and checked on him again as did the surgeon (twice), the second time he released us to go home. I practically ran out of there.

Thursday afternoon...sleeping and normal color again!

He does have a small incision above his belly button which means he will have a small scar. He has a couple of check ups to go to over the next week but just routine things to make sure everything is ok.

It was a hard time to be apart from our family but so many others have it far worse with much more serious illnesses, we can't complain about our little happy ending.

Bye Bye David Hayward

Yes I'm blogging about my soap opera and I know that is sad but I have to complain and there in no one else I can rant too because deep down I have to admit to myself that Adam really doesn't care about All My to the blog!

Meet David Hayward...unfortuantely he was murdered this week on All My Children.

I have watched All My Children for a very long time, like 20 years, feel free to judge. Anywho, my all time favorite character over all these years has been David Hayward. I remember when he came on originally back in 1997. He was only suppose to be on for 6 months but because he was so well loved, they had to write him back into the show.

It was the year that David Hayward was romatically involved with Erica Kane that helped (at least in my opinion) Susan Lucci to win her first Daytime Emmy, the 19th time she was nominated.

What made David such a great character was his ability to be completely evil yet lovable at the same time. Really he was just very passionate about every aspect of his life and which sometimes got the best of him. But deep down, his core was good. His intentions were good. And as we learned more about David's past, it was easy to see what lead him to do such horrible things when really all he wanted was to be loved, by a woman, by his family, by his children.

Unfortunately, over the recent years, All My Children has had the worst writers of all time. These writers killed off many beloved characters (Dixie!), did not allow for growth and depth in others (Erica and Kendall), and had caused characters to do things that where not apart of who they were (like Tad murdering Dr Madden). They have also allowed some great characters leave the show without any explanation, just all of a sudden that person has left Pine Valley like they never existed.

It was also these same writers that ruined my beloved David Hayward. They removed his passion and made him an evil, bitter man. One that did unforgivable acts. One that had no way to redeem himself. Because of this it got to the point where there was nothing else to do with his character but to kill him. I hate to lose such a great actor (thank you Vincent Irizarry) and character but because of the terrible writing it was getting very hard to watch this once great character be ruined.

I know thats a lot of words for something so stupid like a soap opera...but I feel better!