Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we always celebrate with my family.  My sisters and their families came over to dad's and we had pizza for dinner.  Then Charla, Carrie and I went out to my Uncle Glenn's and Uncle Jame's to bring them cookie platters like we do every year.  After that we hid in my old room and opened our presents from Jim.  We were happy girls!

We always attend the Christmas Eve service at the Baptist Church my parents go to, and the one we grew up in.  Then we come home and eat more goodies and open presents.  This was the first year that we drew names for the kids so we didn't buy presents for everyone.  Then my sisters and I made gifts for each other and our poor husbands didn't get anything.  Sad face for them :(   My sisters and I went in for a food processor for my parents.  

Also, every year we've had the missionaries join us too.  Its always been fun to have them join in our Christmas traditions.

Damon got a basketball and ball pump.  Xavier got an ant farm, Aiden got a bumblebee, smurf puzzle and a shark wash cloth, Grayson got an outfit, pjs, a monster washcloth...was there something else?  I'm blanking!

I made my sisters memo boards and Carrie made us zipper bracelets and a magnet board.  Charla made a name picture from our family vacation last year.