Saturday, January 30, 2010

Damon's KS School Program

We went to Damon's school program, it was in celebration of Kansas Day. The music teacher wrote it and it was themed after the Wizard of Oz. It was cute and short which made it perfect! Damon was a cottonwood tree.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pinewood Derby

Since the "Great to be 8" program last January, Damon has looked forward to his first cub scout activity, the Pinewood Derby. Because of the bad weather a couple weeks ago his first cub scout meeting was cancelled so this was his very first cub scout thing ever. He was pretty proud of his shirt, he wore it the whole day and couldn't wait to show it off to Grandma Little at her birthday party that night.
My cub scout!
Damon and his car.

Some of the competition...
Damon's cub scout pack

He didn't win but he didn't lose and that was all we wanted. We just didn't want his car to come in dead last. It was always second in ever race so that was good. Next year we'll spend a little more time on it and hopefully it won't be so cold that it cuts into the work time. Who wants to be out in the garage working on a pinewood derby car in subzero temperature??

Art with Aiden

The other day Aiden got all our foam shapes out so I decided to let him play with them. He did it for over an hour! I was surprised that he could peel the backs off the paper from most of the shapes anyway. He was alsod funny to watch because he would really take his time in laying them down, like he was trying to find the right place.
I wanted to take a picture of him with his art work but he was too mad that I was making him stop doing it. But it was lunch time and I was hungry.

The final piece. I don't know how many he had stacked up under the T but there was a lot.